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Driver Assistance features enhance driver confidence and help make your driving experience more comfortable and intuitive.
Use electronic controls to adjust your vehicle’s 4WD mode for specific on- or off-road driving conditions.
Cruise control† that adjusts speed to maintain a set following gap from the vehicle in front. Learn how the system works.
Operation instructions for setting the speed, setting the gap, switching between modes and more.
What to do if the system isn’t working properly and general safety considerations.
What to do if the system isn’t working properly and general safety† considerations.
This system lets you shift gears electronically by pushing or pulling buttons. Learn how to use the system.
This system lets you shift gears electronically using an electronic joystick-style lever. Learn how to use the system.
Assists with lane changes by alerting† you when a vehicle is in, or quickly approaching, the side blind zone.
How to resolve common issues with the lane change alert† function.
Assists when backing up by alerting† you when there is cross traffic behind the vehicle.
Warns† you when there’s a risk of a front-end collision.
Displays the gap time in seconds between your vehicle and the vehicle you’re following.
Prevents you from shifting out of Park until your seat belt is fastened.
Provides visual alerts† in the side mirrors when a moving vehicle is detected in the side blind zone.
Alerts † the driver AND provides gentle steering assist when it detects unintentional drifting.
Shuts off the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop and restarts it when the brake pedal is released.
Encourages good driving habits and provides feedback through an industry-first report card.
With a simple twist of your wrist, choose between drive modes to tailor performance to the road at hand.
Learn about Super Cruise,† the first true hands-free driving technology for compatible roads. Learn how it works and how to use it responsibly.
Operation instructions for turning it on/off, changing lanes and more.
Find out why certain issues occur and what you can do about them.
Provides visual side-mirror alerts† when a moving vehicle is detected in a side blind zone extended to trailer lengths.